It’s a good idea to have more than your main service bringing in some money for your lawn service business or any business. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket as they say. This year’s drought is a good lesson in that. My mowing revenue has been down for the first time since I went full time into lawn care. Actually it is about even with last year but by the end of the season it will likely be a bit lower. The extreme heat in the last 2 weeks has crushed the fescue lawns with no rain to help. I offer pressure washing which helps out when things are slower in the mowing department. But the pressure washing is not as reliable as the mowing, hence the fact that mowing is my main business and not pressure washing. I make much more per stop & per hour washing houses but it is hit or miss and the customers are likely only to use that service once and at best every 2 or 3 years. Mowing is done weekly or bi weekly and the client base returns for the most part every year if your service is up to par with them. I do some pine straw sales and installation with does well in the spring time. I also mulch leaves in the fall although it is not a popular service in my area (I hate doing it also!).
The best option is having a side business that requires little time & effort (too good to be true right). That way you can run the main business and not get bogged down in being everything to everyone. You could keep an ad running for pine straw delivery only (no spreading) and deliver a certain day every week or weekend. That would require little planning and not much work. Just have plenty of straw on hand and you are good to go. Unfortunately seasonal businesses like lawn care need to have extra ways of making money since the winter is generally slow at least a couple months in most regions. Here are few things that you can offer in addition to your mowing services: Pressure washing, painting, junk hauling, mulch / pine straw sales, mower maintenance and blade sharpening, etc. And you just might have to get a (ugh) job for the slow times. So be prepared to do what is necessary to keep the bills paid in the slow season. Most of all save your money when times are good!
To order weed killer email me (2.5 gal. concentrate for $60) Will deliver within 30 miles of 30558.