Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tell your local officials about water concerns
If you think your local government knows what is best just consider this story of government waste from my area. Link. Jefferson officials approved tax payer money to be spent on a new radio station as part of a recreation center. The station had a new technology but produced a weak signal and could hardly be picked up by anyone and the internet stream it ran was rarely listened to according to the stations own data. This information from the story says it all, " From July through December, Radio Jefferson only generated $9,190 in income, but had expenses of $151,400. In December, the station had no income and expenses of $6,050". These are the type of people in charge of your water.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Another Lawn Care Side Service
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Lawn Care Services Without Machines
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
How to Beat Your Lawn Care Competition.
This is a great quote. Anyone can work hard, even the slowest minded person. Hustle is always good in sports so it is in business. If you are up at 5 am reading business websites, blogs, or online magazines while your competitors are still asleep you get an edge in knowledge. If you spend Saturday afternoon printing out some flyers or researching clusters of lawns in your service area while Joe's Lawn Service's owner is at a cookout, you gain an advantage. There are lots of people out there with good ideas but few are willing to do the grunt work to make the ideas HAPPEN. In the Mark Cuban blog post about motivation I linked to last week he talks about all the boring manuals on computer software. I am sure that sucked but he got an advantage in his field and it helped him leap ahead of people not willing to go the extra mile.
Tips for getting the hard work in:
get up early, schedule reading time (maybe in the morning), set goals (very important).
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Save 40% or More on Your Energy Bills!
Save 40% or More on Your Energy Bills!
You may be surprised at how much money you can save by planting a few, well-placed shade trees. In fact, a simple shade tree may be your most cost effective, energy savings powerhouse.
Planting shade trees on the southwest side of your home can save you lots of money. According to a 1993 study, annual savings in a typical home ranged from 13% in
Planting shade trees also reduces costs on our environment. By shading homes and office buildings, trees cut our air conditioning needs up to 30 percent. Burning less fossil fuel helps decrease the greenhouse effect.
Planting trees also cuts the cost of fighting air pollution. They absorb pollutants like sulfur dioxide, ozone, and even particles released from burning fuel. These pollutants are some of the chief contributors to poor air quality. Over a 50-year lifespan, a tree will generate $31,250 worth of oxygen and provide $62,000 worth of air pollution control!
So planting shade trees around your home will most certainly save you money. But we also all receive the added savings in fewer costs to fight pollution and a better place in which to live.